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Member Story
“I had a very unhealthy relationship with food, exercise and my body for a very long time. Food and exercise were viewed as punishment for the reflection that I would see. There had been a lot of guilt associated with these things and that resulted in being unhealthy and detrimental both physically and mentally. FLASH FORWARD! I had heard about IAL, gone to a few pop-ups and followed the pictures, posts and testimonials after the opening. I still made excuses not to join; too expensive, not enough time, would be judged, not for me…the truth is, it was negative habits that were keeping me from pulling the trigger. FEAR kept me away. Nevertheless, I was tired of those negative habits. I finally decided to try IAL with a 10-class pack. What was about to happen is something I haven’t experienced in years. I began wanting to exercise for POSITIVE reasons, I made TIME to go rather than make excuses. I found myself talking about it… A LOT! I went through those classes faster than I thought, wishing I had more to use. The night that I used my last class, I made the decision to purchase an unlimited membership for a year. It was one of the best decisions I have made in a long time! With that decision, unknown to me at the time, came a subconscious commitment to myself to be a healthier, happier version of me. IAL, and its AMAZING staff, has given me a whole new outlook on what is important, what happiness can look like and what I am capable of. The support is like nothing else. It’s easy to say you should be happy when you have a wonderful family, career, and friends…but it starts with YOU! I have gained a new confidence in myself, I have a completely new outlook, inspiration to be the best for ME, my family, everyone! Thank you, IAL”