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Learn More about our beautiful, fully equipped fitness Facilities

Learn More about our beautiful, fully equipped fitness Facilities

We offer a Variety of Group Fitness Classes! Check out our Class Descriptions

We offer a Variety of Group Fitness Classes! Check out our Class Descriptions

Become part of the Limitless League! Learn more about our memberships and special pricing!

Become part of the Limitless League! Learn more about our memberships and special pricing!


Member Story

“I had a very unhealthy relationship with food, exercise and my body for a very long time. Food and exercise were viewed as punishment for the reflection that I would see. There had been a lot of guilt associated with these things and that resulted in being unhealthy and detrimental both physically and mentally. FLASH FORWARD! I had heard about IAL, gone to a few pop-ups and followed the pictures, posts and testimonials after the opening. I still made excuses not to join; too expensive, not enough time, would be judged, not for me…the truth is, it was negative habits that were keeping me from pulling the trigger. FEAR kept me away. Nevertheless, I was tired of those negative habits. I finally decided to try IAL with a 10-class pack. What was about to happen is something I haven’t experienced in years. I began wanting to exercise for POSITIVE reasons, I made TIME to go rather than make excuses. I found myself talking about it… A LOT! I went through those classes faster than I thought, wishing I had more to use. The night that I used my last class, I made the decision to purchase an unlimited membership for a year. It was one of the best decisions I have made in a long time! With that decision, unknown to me at the time, came a subconscious commitment to myself to be a healthier, happier version of me. IAL, and its AMAZING staff, has given me a whole new outlook on what is important, what happiness can look like and what I am capable of. The support is like nothing else. It’s easy to say you should be happy when you have a wonderful family, career, and friends…but it starts with YOU! I have gained a new confidence in myself, I have a completely new outlook, inspiration to be the best for ME, my family, everyone! Thank you, IAL”